Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Lucy - The first one was purchased from C. Alford in May 2007 and the second one, again from C. Alford in May 2009, to date both are doing quite well. Harvested the first pup in June 2009 with another on the way.

According to Alford, he states that, "Lucy is another African cultivar. I believe this small staghorn is a hybrid, probably between P. alcicorne and something else. Grey-green fronds. The sterile fronds do not clasp at the top, and tend to be seasonal, turning brown through the winter. The fertile fronds are similar to some forms of P. alcicorne, but much smaller. I think this plant requires bright light, and may need to be kept on the dry side when not actively growing."

This staghorn fern can take temperatures from 40 to 90 degrees - they are kept outside year long and prefers morning light or a dappled light all day with a mild breeze.

The mounting medium is AAA New Zealand Sphagnum Moss and then the fern is attached to redwood boards with 40lb monofilament fishing line, garden tape or other strapping material. When fertilizing - I use either Miracle-Gro or Superthrive every 3rd or 4th watering.

While there are currently none available for sale, I can put you on a waiting list for pups. If interested please e-mail me at mailto:tomsstaghornferns@gmail.com.